I ran into this problem with Spring Shell & the `bootRun` task. Adding `--console=plain` means no colors, etc, but `--console=rich` makes a mess of things with progress bars being re-drawn...
CVE-2020-15522 is still going strong with docker-java-core:3.2.14 Provides transitive vulnerable dependency maven:org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.64 CVE-2020-15522 5.9
Still seeing this problem - no pool directory created on S3 Just to clarify, the CLI worked fine; things started to go wrong after multiple publishes from a snapshot via...
It seems to be failing on the blank lines between chains. Removing them allowed `awk -f iptables-vis.awk < iptables.txt > iptables.dia` to succeed.
Please re-enable the option to remove close buttons from tabs. We have the middle mouse button to close tabs.
@aryeh-looker Latest version is here:
In IntelliJ I get the following: ``` Provides transitive vulnerable dependency CVE-2018-10237 5.9 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability pending CVSS allocation CVE-2020-8908 3.3 Incorrect Permission Assignment...