
Results 51 comments of alamothe

Same here, I used `^2.0.0-beta.14` and got the wrong version, then almost posted on Yarn discord about it.

Going back to the issue, I am of the opinion if you export types from another package, it should be stated as a dependency, otherwise it's relying on that package...

Just want to point out the "obvious" workaround for Node.js, which is to downgrade target to ES2015 😄 . Thanks for your great work!

What is the current status for Node.js? Asking for people who only use this package in a backend service

My bad, I forgot to mention that I did set that option: ``` configure(subprojects.filter { != "platform" }) { apply(plugin = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") apply(plugin = "com.github.ben-manes.versions") repositories { mavenCentral() }...

I need cookie store per request too. I know most of HTTP clients don't support it (Apache does though), but in practice it's a fairly common case. Any backend will...

I'm also wondering about this. I haven't found any examples with >1 input (text input, select, or any other prompt).

Require cycles are perfectly fine. Well-organized code will undoubtedly have cycles. I don't understand the rationale to warn about them... Is the goal to put all the code in a...