Md Al Amin

Results 6 issues of Md Al Amin

Is there any way to customize android share sheet style? Currently, it's bit cut off from both side. Would be nice to set it Full width. According to branch [documentation](,...

Expo is a great a tool for building `react-native` app. is there any way to make `react-native-appsflyer` work with Expo?

waiting for customer response

Would be an idea to change the docker image tag to some specific version of Camunda docker image? Currently, it is not working with `camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:run-latest`. However, it works with `camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:run-7.16.0-alpha4`...

Currently, `` is too big. We should create an individual file for each command.


Bitbucket has the option to restrict branches for deployment environments. Is it possible to add it? Example: ```bash resource "bitbucket_deployment" "test" { repository = name = "test" stage =...


Creating a pipeline schedule using `bitbucket_pipeline_schedule` is failing. ```bash resource "bitbucket_pipeline_schedule" "scan_ecr_images" { workspace = "" repository = "" cron_pattern = "0 0 * * *" enabled = true target...