Don't forget that applying NUMBER() to a small integer value may also even result invalid digits. Consider an Arabic user for whom NUMBER(123) may produce `١٢٣` (even an English speaker...
I have been working a P6 implementation of Fluent while porting over a text adventure game and I definitely agree dynamic term references are necessary, and shouldn't be too hard...
It's true that allowing dynamic references would put more work on the translator. But that's the eternal balance that must be played: more work for the developer to create hundreds...
> The way I see this, and I don't have a lot of personal experience with this scenario, but you would possibly have 1 string per platform when it comes...
I'm not sure whether to consider this a Raku thing (needing to refine the roast), a MoarVM thing (it seems things could be solved by adjusting the [`ord_getbasechar()`](https://github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/6bf54d784e38268a37e97d702b9b8ad1d3116069/src/strings/ops.c#L1132) function), or...
I'd reckon that avoiding anything special on emoji is probably best. They feel sufficiently ~arbitr~ idiosyncratic that manipulation with them is probably best left to modules.1 I'm not a native...
> Is there an option here to leave `:ignoremark` as is (as a best effort), and implement various gradations of 'zealousness' using a numerical indicator? So for example, something […that…]...
For reference, Rakudo internally handles the switch by way of a method called [`nibble`](https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/b5f49ace1dc6d097704ef567af3be84bb3159a78/src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp#L254). But that's an internal method not intended for use by regular coders. It has the advantage...
> I like this idea! One question (and it's really a question, not something I've formed an opinion on yet) is what language we should render the name in. Unless...
> ``` > sub nummy(Num() $x is rw) { } > my Int $x = 42; > nummy($x); > ``` > > The coercion is incorrect and should generate a...