Alaa Masoud

Results 10 issues of Alaa Masoud

[Sejil]( allows to capture, view and filter your ASP.NET Core app's logs right from your app. It supports structured logging, querying as well as saving log queries.

When trying to use IncludeEFU to include a child collection, a InvalidOperationException is thrown when enumerating the query result. The exception message is: "The property 'p' on type 't' cannot...

When using this in an RTL website and when the width of the image is larger than the window width, the `translate3d` css will position the image incorrectly offscren. I...

Add the ability to configure retention period. This should be configurable from both code and UI.

This also aligns with latest MediatR version as of change:

When running `dotnet workload list` command I get this message: `Updates are avaliable for the following workload(s): android-aot ios maccatalyst macos maui tvos wasm-tools. Run 'dotnet workload update' to get...

Given the following ```C# public class Vehicle { public int Id { get; set; } public VehicleRegistration Registration { get; set; } = default!; } public class VehicleRegistration { public...
