Akua Amponsah
Akua Amponsah
Moving acceptance criteria from 4050. Look at how this content is pulled in from YAML (This might need to be its own ticket*) (*Per JL - When we do the...
@mirano-darren Below is the list of the side nav content + the google sheet listing them out. In the design, I show all the subsections expanded. Let me know if...
For my reference: Language could say something to the effect of you have reached the end of activity one to create an additional activity select add activity to continue to...
@SGilliamA1M for awareness
Ticket looks ready to go, but I think we should remove export view from the scope of this ticket. The export view designs haven't been updated yet and it might...
@jeromeleecms I made changes to the copy based on your suggestions. So, I think this is good to close.
The ffp will live in the [Budget and FFP](https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=2288%3A18869&t=vaPfgl20PqIUHBAE-1), at least for now. @mirano-darren @thetif
Current plan as of Nov 2 2022 1. The KP will remain where it is at the APD level, outside of the activities section 2. The KP Budget summary can...
@SGilliamA1M @jeromeleecms Here is my work in progress for the key state personnel. [Key State Personnel with updated help text and FFP](https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=1865%3A14195) [Proposed Budget with KP Totals](https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=1610%3A14175)
@jeromeleecms It seems like the KP totals makes sense in the summary budget tables but is there a need to have an each key personnel itemized in the same way...