Akua Amponsah
Akua Amponsah
@beparticular Do you know the MMIS email address?
@beparticular Thanks
The email is now updated for export and submit. I also updated the email for the lock and submit prototype on the MMIS file https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=514%3A14637
@beparticular Can you please review this ticket?
@jeromeleecms Yes, that a good point, depending on what funding type you select this page should show the appropriate email.
Spring Planning: Sept 1 2022 To recap, we want the system to provide the correct email depending on their funding source selection instead of hard coding the email in.
@thetif @mirano-darren @itsonlydio This ticket is ready for dev.
@jeromeleecms That sounds right to me. I updated the design to reflect that. I have also removed the x field(s) completed in the Recently Completed Section https://www.figma.com/file/6eVvo7JjvXiovGTR4BoVgK/CMS-eAPD-2022?node-id=6395%3A39506
Below is the designs for the Executive Summary including the new APD Overview. https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=587%3A10819
Below are the updated design @beparticular @jeromeleecms Can you please take a look? I was wondering if the order made sense for a state officer. https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=598%3A11888