Akshay Vijay Jain
Akshay Vijay Jain
@saicharan-zemoso , please also add reference link, specifying issue was fixed in v.1.8.4
@gzlinzihong , I am also working with @PrasadMadine , I have a question what is the plan to get the custom content for each cell of the table? if we...
Thank you @gzlinzihong , for detail on the use case. How does frontend know that `Membership services requested` to be shown for `'http://member.org/isvip'` do you intend to add option to...
dear @gzlinzihong , I have been trying to understand what you want from the issue, but honestly not able to understand the exact steps needed to resolve the issue. the...
what seems problematic is if there are 10 cells in the columns, or 20 or 30, we will make api call for each of those 30 cell, so 30 api...
Thank you @gzlinzihong , for more details , based on the input, here is how , we are trying to proceed on this 1. we create a table and connect...
sure @gzlinzihong , we will keep you posted!