Results 22 comments of akkuman

In addition to using HeapWalk, you can also use heap32first and heap32next to accomplish this, but it is very slow, and cannot scan 32bit process from 64bit process. heap32next is...

> it can bypass the beaconeye(random, if the beacon config not in first segment block), so, to solve this problem, should scan all heap blocks, but if process alloc large...

I don't know much about the frontend. But I think it might be possible to do this with embedded stylesheets, like :style.

Chinese display is abnormal

The font render correctly in the code editor.But when I enter Chinese, the cursor is not behind the words I entered. For example, the appearance of second pictures.

Um-hum,I see. The problem is with the font whose name is "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(in English) or "文泉驿等宽微米黑"(in Chinese) When I try other monospaced font,the current position of the cursor is...


@mydearxym 站点现在是关闭了吗

docker-compose.yml 方便传上来看看吗?