Akın Ayturan
Akın Ayturan
hi i found a solution for this prob but it's not a real solition :) u can reload the page, just for index or inline "a" code where u use...
hi ^^ http://caniuse.com/#search=pushstate http://caniuse.com/#search=ajax if i understand right ur answer is up on here because djax is Dynamic + pushState + ajax so means it works some of IE version
ths man for answer djax already enough awesome :) i do like that if some one have same question firstly i looked and close to see sitemap jQuery(document).ready(function($){$('body').djax('sitemap','wp-admin','wp-login']);}); and i...
hi man that's not the real solution but in the page if u search target it is working at least worked for me u can see ur answer https://github.com/beezee/djax/issues/27#issuecomment-20895003