Akindele Beulah
Akindele Beulah
Have you tried increasing the offset value?
Your FileDetails.json is invalid. Remove the whitespaces and replace newlines with \n. It should work. Also check through your `ovpn` file for quotation marks like ("), ('), and (\`). These...
Your FileDetails.json is invalid. Remove the whitespaces and replace newlines with \n. It should work. Also, check through your `ovpn` file for quotation marks like ("), ('), and (\`). These...
Your FileDetails.json is invalid. Remove the whitespaces and replace newlines with \n. It should work. Also, check through your `ovpn` file for quotation marks like ("), ('), and (\`). These...
What authentication process?
1. No that would be unsafe. 2. By creating your own VPN server. 3. No, you can't unless you have the VPN's certificates. I don't know if free VPNs make...
Your FileDetails.json is invalid. Remove the whitespaces and replace newlines with \n. It should work. Also, check through your `ovpn` file for quotation marks like ("), ('), and (\`). These...
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