I think okta is not sending group all together. https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/Okta-Groups-or-Attribute-Missing-from-Id-Token?language=en_US > The ID token, when returned along with access token, is considered a Thin Token or Thin ID Token. The...
I am experiencing similar problem in 2.7.3 `[2024-02-04T07:19:20.201+0000] {scheduler_job_runner.py:1081} DEBUG - Executor full, skipping critical section [2024-02-04T07:19:20.203+0000] {base_executor.py:217} DEBUG - 32 running task instances [2024-02-04T07:19:20.203+0000] {base_executor.py:218} DEBUG - 0 in...
@csuzhangxc I think alb controller is setting this automatically. Its set to `loadBalancerClass: service.k8s.aws/nlb` in my service automatically.
yup, getting same error.
+1 SAML is not working. Error: `[2024-03-21T22:17:01.775952+00:00] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception ArgumentCountError: "LightSaml\SpBundle\Controller\DefaultController::__construct(): Argument #1 ($metadataProfileBuilder) not passed" at /var/www/mautic/vendor/lightsaml/sp-bundle/src/LightSaml/SpBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php line 29 {"exception":"[object] (ArgumentCountError(code: 0): LightSaml\\SpBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController::__construct(): Argument #1 ($metadataProfileBuilder) not...
@Shaan-hbli I didn't try it as I don't need that. But I think its doable as ODI support vlan which is main thing for VOIP as AIRTEL uses Vlan ID...
> they gave me a nokia router, other than mac id i have configured the rest, few days back it was working, today i got a mikrotik router with sfp...
> From where did you buy the xPON, Aliexpress seller is quite expensive to ship here This whole endeavour is expensive, getting gpon sfp, sfp+ card and then a dedicated...
Added link for video tutorial for same in original post.
> btw i added the module to a mikrotik hex s, the vlan mentioned in your config doesnt set vlan 100, i checked in the module it seems airtel is...