1) Did you normalize your data before you used rbf kernel? 2) In your example, there are 3 classes (0, 1, 2). If you removed one class (say 0) and...
Awesome. Please let me know when you do. Thanks
I have tried testing it with several radius values. Not much difference. Anyhow, solved a couple of my problems. Thank you.
Ok, I made a mistake. I inputted all my microphones and room dimensions in inches instead of centimeters. Now that I have corrected that—all my numbers are a LOT smaller....
@ELELUABDULSALAM, as @fakufaku and you mentioned, the pyroomacoutics library provides angles where the sound source is located. That said, I am exploring an alternative strategy of using a clustering to...
> @fakufaku I have replied in issue #243 as well with a question.
@fakufaku, I noticed for the [SRLS algorithm](https://github.com/LCAV/pylocus/blob/master/pylocus/lateration.py#L108), one of the required parameters in the SRLS method is `w`, the weights for the measurements `(Nx1)`. I am a little unclear on...
I've answered most of them. Still working on a few though. Should be done with all of them soon
For sure. I'll let you know when I'm done. Thank you for making the list of questions