
Results 5 issues of Akhil

What I Tried - Changed to the latest version - deleted the build folder Got A new error : TypeError: Contract "VRFCoordinatorV2Mock" should be marked as abstract. ![Screenshot from 2022-08-11...

How did you guys run the stellar-sdk in the background script? background script does not support axios, right?

**Describe the bug** I am using stellar-sdk in a chrome extension background script. While using loadAccount(), I am facing this issue. **What version are you on?** "10.4.1 **To Reproduce** Steps...


`const StellarHDWallet = require("stellar-hd-wallet"); const { Keypair } = require("stellar-sdk"); function privateKeyToMnemonic(privateKey) { const mnemonic = StellarHDWallet.generateMnemonic(privateKey); return mnemonic; } const privateKey = "SBT4B2Y4VN33OCHVPRSD6JXXNPZ2UDXQFLRS7B5C4MLRMLOTEZS4UDY5"; console.log("Private key before: ", privateKey); const...

I created a liquidity pool and try to view my account. And this error popped up ![Screenshot from 2023-03-06 10-09-08](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/77268333/223020815-320f0968-ced4-4a8f-8962-021d9cef9adc.png)