Results 55 comments of AkhIL

Plese fix this issue. As solution x2x may have new comand line argument with 3x3 matrix to transform mouse coordinates.

There is also [`std::result_of` and `std::invoke_result`](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/result_of) in C++ that could be handy to store results of functions with impl return types to structs. Something like: ```rust async fn make_foo() ->...

Same with LanguageClient-neovim: ``` WARNING - pyls.config.config - Failed to load pyls entry point 'pyls_mypy': No module named 'future' ```

Typing in terminal ``hivelytracker file.hvl`` doesn't open a file but starts new one. I think doing it with the ``.desktop`` will not open file either.