Results 55 comments of AkhIL

Thanks. I'll test changes in few weeks.

Winit 0.27.0 has the environment variable to toggle dark decoration: WINIT_WAYLAND_CSD_THEME=dark https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/releases/tag/v0.27.0

I prefer a special texture widget that can display the GPU buffer so that we can draw whatever we want to the offscreen buffer and then display it as a...

Iced may not know anything about additional rendering passes. We could have backend specific function that produces some struct with the encapsulated pointer to GPU buffer. All iced should provide...

Please do not control the underlying UDP packet stream, let applications control the order and integrity of the packets for them self. In the case of audio / video transmission...

Here is my attempt to write an init script. Not sure if it's correct, but it works fine. ```bash #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: yggdrasil # Required-Start: $local_fs...

Could we have a feature flag to disable sse?

Seems to be solved by #526 . All tests is passed on athlon64 with no sse4.

> We have now updated to Winit 0.28.6 win master. Could you try if the above environment variable works? Strangely, the environment variable has no effect on neovid's decoration color....

> I don't see a solution where the server is able to eavesdrop as > useful. But server wide encryption where everyone has to be friends > or where you...