Hello, we're using SAML in our application for functionalities like login, logout and single logout through various IDPs like Okta, Lastpass etc. The library we use right now is org.springframework.security.extensions:spring-security-saml2-core:1.0.10....
Thanks @marcusdacoregio I was looking into the migration guide for how the login and the logout functionalities are implemented with the spring security :- https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security-samples/tree/main/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2/login I ran the sample, and...
Hi @marcusdacoregio, thanks for the above sample. I've come across another challenge. In our existing saml implementation using the saml-extensions jar, we used to set up the Profile Options. We...
Hi @marcusdacoregio, thanks for the above input. For my login implementation, I've written my custom _MyAuthSuccessHandler_ class that implements the AuthenticationSuccessHandler interface in Spring. I've overriding the onAuthenticationSuccess() and writing...
Hi @marcusdacoregio 1. "Is your Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter being invoked by the IdP" - My IdP calls '/saml/SSO' that was previously (in the saml extensions based implementation) mapped to Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter in the...
Hi @marcusdacoregio, I tried to run my application, and the error I'm getting stuck at is that `ContextLoaderListener.getCurrentWebApplicationContext(); ` returns me null. Previously I had the springContext.xml file (now deleted)...
Hi @marcusdacoregio, thanks for your reply. Another query I have is that by looking at the migration guide, I have come to a conclusion that I can implement the SSO...
Hi @marcusdacoregio, I got some success with the new implementation, and when I now try to access my application without authorization, I'm redirected to the configured IdP (Okta) and asked...
Hi @rajn, destination url is something my team can't change in Okta, since many clients of our application already have it set to '/saml/SSO' in their existing Okta configurations. This...