Aymen Kharroubi

Results 16 issues of Aymen Kharroubi

- [x] I have read through the manual page (`man fzf`) - [x] I have the latest version of fzf - [x] I have searched through the existing issues ##...

It just doesn't work. I tried `skhd --observe`, and when I press it I get: `keycode 0x47`, then in `skhdrc` I bind `ctrl+alt-0x47 : …` to something, but nothing happens....

Sometimes, you want to quickly glance at more information, in the header, than just the file name, e.g.: mime type, or file size, or relevant timestamps/dates, or full path, or...


Hello again, Would it be possible to add an option to render admonitions? ```md !!! question Can you make the best Quicklook markdown previewed ever ? YES ! ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/36056254/117875585-03553680-b2ab-11eb-8961-f263c911e630.png)...

Hello, I just wanted to point out that **definition lists** don't seem to be rendered, was wondering if this was a bug or just not included. If it isn't included,...

Would it be possible to create a command that could create a bunch of labeled bookmarks at once ? It would create one bookmark per cursor, the label of each...


Can you support indexing and searching directories as well ? and perhaps an option to toggle this off for those who don't want to see directories in their results.

>- Version: 1.71.0-insider >- Commit: dd0ed9381aa5d0d43159463ccad1f7e060021580 >- Date: 2022-08-17T05:20:48.980Z (6 days ago) >- Electron: 19.0.12 >- Chromium: 102.0.5005.167 >- Node.js: 16.14.2 >- V8: >- OS: Darwin x64 21.4.0 >-...

Hello, I've read the documentation and tried to experiment with `--replace-refs` but I still don't understand what it does and how it's possible options (`delete-*`, `update-*`) affect it.