Ammar Khaku
Ammar Khaku
To be clear - you're saying it errors out before the callback is called, so in the getRequestToken method? Do you have a stack trace?
`getUser` is fine - technically `NoteStore.getSyncState` is what you _should_ be calling but `getUser` is okay, too. Mind catching the EDAMSystemException and printing out the `errorCode` and `message`? That will...
Haven't done php in years so not sure how helpful I can be - do you need to import EDAM\Error\EDAMSystemException? Generally an EDAMSystemException means there's something's wrong in our service...
It may be easiest to catch Exception directly and try printing out $e->errorCode and $e->message?
Thanks for your email - let's keep correspondence on this issue. For posterity, here's an excerpt from your email: > Saw that the origin of error is :: memBuffer.js >...
Might be better to ignore "class" found within a multiline comment, when searching for "class"? Mentioned this on the PR, but I remember seeing substantial slowdowns when searching through the...
Or how about only care about `class` found at the beginning of a line?
A multiline lookbehind lookahead combo could work. Give that lookahead/behind is really slow, it would be worth doing it only after finding a match after the class definition, to verify...
Interesting idea, thanks. FWIW you can simplify that a bit by using a HollowReadStateEngineBuilder, something like ``` new AstridAPI(new HollowReadStateEngineBuilder().add(obj).build()) ```
Awesome, thank you for doing that work for me Lukasz! I added it in a new integration test since I couldn't find another existing one that fit. Also rebased. The...