Rafał Trąbski

Results 19 issues of Rafał Trąbski

Isometric map require isometric sprites.


Instantiating FogOfWar is impossible with isometric map. It causes that Units are not working properly, and even Cursor crashes game when you select an Unit because there is a check...


Isometric maps would require isometric QuadTrees. Should be simple to implement.


Create construction textures for each Building with stages of construction.


Another bottlenec is the MiniMap class which takes 23 seconds out of total 114 seconds of code execution time according to the pyprofiller! ![minimap](https://github.com/akapkotel/python_real_time_strategy_game/assets/40523203/fbfd59ee-2ea8-43cb-8ff7-c89c37c6b83c)


Examining game with pyprofiller showed, that text-drawing calls from arcade library consumes huge amount of time: 21 seconds out of total code execution time 114 seconds! So, draw_text call is...


CPU players should update their production queues and building decisions according to the actual needs of curent situation in game.


User interface require some kind of color-picking interface when game is in editor mode. Is should also be added to the submenu of custom game. 1. Need new UiElement class....


When player moues-selects an dying Unit, a key error happens in UnitsManager.
