> Same issue, reload fixes it for 10 minutes, after that, status is away again (and automations for when everyone is away run). > > When within the 10 minutes,...
> I updated to network 8.0.26 and reloaded the integration and it’s been solid… so far > I'm also on 8.0.26, reloaded twice and each time it lasts for 10...
I did a full reboot of the rpi system and reloaded the integration and it started working, showing the proper device state. When I left wifi my phone went into...
Update: removed / readded the integration and it worked for a little while, now everyone is marked away again.
After restore to December it's still broken until reload of integration, then breaks again. Current versions: Core: 2023.12.3, Supervisor: 2023.12.0, Operating System: 11.3, Frontend: 20231208.2
Was this issue fixed? because it's been working for me for over 7 hours after the last upgrade and reload. Core 2024.1.3, Supervisor 2023.12.0, Operating System 11.4, Frontend 20240104.0.