Andrej K
Andrej K
The reason for this issue is that @SpringView already includes @ViewScope (which overrides your @UIScope) BTW @flo-ferox the order should be irrelevant and I would prefer an error or exception...
You can call ``` const { ReactNativeAudioStreaming } = NativeModules; ReactNativeAudioStreaming.destroyNotification(); ``` But this seems to work only when the player is paused/stopped and as @graphee-gabriel mentioned notification doesn't close...
@thebigredgeek Has #11 been implemented? The current version of [combineResolvers] has a different signature and I can't seem to figure out how to use it. It would be nice if...
Thank you both for reply and indeed adding `dispatchReturn` to options now dispatches the failType action. Few related comments: - it's not very obvious that these two are even related...
Hi, the documentation is great so far. - The first question when I started reading Workflow docs was "How do I create new workflow?". Docs jump right to explaining the...
You can change tsconfig.json to ``` "noEmit": false, "sourceMap": true,``` and then run ``` npm run compile```. This will generate the missing .js + .map files and then your breakpoint...
Thanks for looking into this @elbywan. I tried few different things myself, I have a monorepo with a lot of local commonjs packages. The issue points back to the tsconfig...