Alexander Jensen
Alexander Jensen
Hey @lighningwolf I copied the sample code from the [documentation]( to Laravel's `App\Exceptions\Handler.php`. When I trigger an error (e.g. `abort(500)`) and inspect the response on the browser's network tab, I...
Hey @devinfd can you simply add a string as "test" to your `share` method, like i did above. Does it come through? What error / status code is your issue...
Hey @devinfd Thank you! The 404 status code was the missing piece. Laravel does not apply route middleware groups from the `$middlewareGroups`-array inside `Kernel.php` if the route is not hit....
Hey @lighningwolf Laravel's request lifecylce [is described here]( Long story, short: Some middleware's, like the Session (`\Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class`) middleware, are only attached to middlware group `web`, look at your `App\Http\Kernel.php`. You...
Hey @lighningwolf oh, I did not directly suggest to do that, sorry if that was unclear. Moving middleware from the `web` middleware group to the global middleware stack could have...
Hey @robsontenorio I added the setting to my .env. - PHP 7.4 - laravel/framework 8.73.1 - inertiajs/inertia-laravel 0.45 ```php return Inertia::render('Component', [ 'nestedTernaryOperatorsAreDeprecatedInPhp74' => 1 ? 2 : 3 ?...
Ah, but I also tried that. A typo correctly throws a 500 which is also in the response, making Inertia show the modal. This also happens correctly when the "affected"...