Andrew Malton
Andrew Malton
It does produce nice output. It seems that htmldoc doesn't interpret tables very much and perhaps not CSS at all. Also no funky Unicode. I wonder if all that would...
That from the existing generator or from htmldoc? Maybe the existing generator doesn't handle Unicode very well either...
Very late to the party: but would a link to tomorrow's Matutinum be sufficient? Placed after the Completorium link? If it didn't have to be too smart about Nativity or...
``` At the very least let them be optional.But then we must create a new way for them to be optional.AJM From: rl1234567890Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 9:19 PMTo: DivinumOfficium/divinum-officiumReply...
In the interim you might try local hosting, which is what I do for development and it works well, and is easy. Details: TLDR: clone the repo, cd to...