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Results 10 ReClassEx issues
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Hello guys, I'm using the latest release of reclass, but when Im saving my work and opening the file into a new instance of reclass, nothing appear, the background stay...

help wanted

this is the path to my plugin and reclass solution, D:\ReClassEx-master\plugins\MEME.rc-plugin64 and D:\ReClassEx-master\ReClass.sln. When i finished compiling using ReClass.sln, i found no plugin in the ReClassEx.exe .

As the title says. I took some notes, went to go save as, it only saved a portion of my notes. Provided some screen shots of what I mean below....

I tried the 32 bit version on Windows XP 32bit, and Windows says it's not a valid Win32 application. Maybe it's not supported, but since it doesn't say anywhere, I...

In Development Build 1.2.0 There's a visual bug when collapsing the parent of an element if the child is not collapsed already. ![image]( ![image](

help wanted

This GIF should explain the bug better than I can with words lol


Thou shall not blast my eyes with `#FFFFFF` as the background color and `#000000` as the text/foreground color. ReClass.NET issue: ReClassNET/ReClass.NET#272

In I can use this syntax to check the node memory: [ + 0x1111] in reclass.ex I can use this syntax: xxx.exe + 0x1111. However, when I add "[]"...