ReClassEx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ReClassEx copied to clipboard

Doesn't run on Windows XP

Open timmerk opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

I tried the 32 bit version on Windows XP 32bit, and Windows says it's not a valid Win32 application. Maybe it's not supported, but since it doesn't say anywhere, I thought I would file this issue. If not supported, is there an older version that is?

timmerk avatar Jun 02 '18 23:06 timmerk

It's a feature not a bug! Seriously though I suggest the resolution be xp not supported

stevemk14ebr avatar Jun 02 '18 23:06 stevemk14ebr

I'm sure if you compile using the windows XP toolchain it'll work.

ajkhoury avatar Jun 02 '18 23:06 ajkhoury