Do you recommend using a different prefix for the nested tmux session?
Is there any quick way to hack the multiclass classification with greedy optimization? I am participating a kaggle competition...
In methodList=c('rpart', 'nnet'), could I specify a new model as a variable? Because, for xgboost, caret hasn't include that yet, but they can specific a variable modelInfo for xgboost for...
Sorry to ask the question again... For multiclass classification, is that possible to build the ensemble model? I got the error for caretStack with glmnet also... > stack_model Error in...
For adding a new customized model, In the example: "Just be sure to use the same re-sampling indexes in trControl as you use in the caretList models!" What portion I...
Thanks! I was thinking about still using caretEnsemble framework. Can I do something like: ``` R my_control
Thanks for the code! Yes, it works now.
Sorry to bother again.. I got the following error, because some assumption about method variable.. > model_list$xgb greedy_ensemble Error in paste("Model '", method, "' is not in the ", "set...
This could be a test case: ``` R training = data.frame(matrix(runif(120),nrow=20,ncol=6), Class = factor(sample(c("Yes", "No"), 20, replace=T))) my_control
Is there any recommended way to add a new caret model to existing model_list? Like, I have a model_list, and I want to add a new model: I can do...