ajee cai

Results 10 issues of ajee cai

不是很了解V2ray,纯粹是为了看看用golang怎么在Andorid里面调用VPN service而不需要手机root才能使用vpn。AndroidLibV2ray用go get 拿不下来,也没有详细的readme告知怎么用。 看代码是不是主要在 EscortRun 里面创建vpn的? file := os.NewFile(uintptr(tapfd), "/dev/tap0"), 这个用法貌似不能在非root的android里面成功吧?而且跟官方文档的做法不太像: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/VpnService.html, 那里讲是要用Builder, prepare,establish等过程... 请你能解释一下你是怎么做的吗? 谢谢

你好,建议web界面可以仿照下面的抓图,进行预订或者浏览预订的状态,感觉比较直观和友好。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3023271/68646970-98149200-0557-11ea-8277-1eedcc19ccfd.png)

help wanted

In case that the file sent is 0 size or file has been already sent completely last time.

Otherwise crash will be seen because msg is sent over closed chan.

Hi, When I implement this [example](https://gist.github.com/ajeecai/cf2a7742bdf746efde543f34e0e4ac61), I have met a problem: if the file has been uploaded, run this example again, it will hang there for ever. So my suggestion...

Hi @kukhariev , when using in koa2 framework, the routing controller callback for upload files is async, then upload is defined as sync but it looks like that ServerResponse callback...


Hi, I get the error when trying to run my service code on windows : `The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.`...

Hi, This is my steps: 1. Install all prerequisites including run "./ubuntu-bootstrap.sh" on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. 2. git clone juci-openwrt-feed into this PC. 3. Run ./build-uml-image.sh 4. Setup tap0...

Hi, I love this project since it provides native UI outlook. My question is, when I make up a window based on it, I could resize it by dragging it...