Andreas Jägle

Results 13 comments of Andreas Jägle

Am I right, that applying just the config for eth0 (as seen above) will remove the docker0 interface and the network bridge, so that accessing docker services via network isn't...

I'll have a look at this. Still need to get familiar with OpenFaaS and operator development in general.

All right. I have openfaas running in a cluster with traefik and cert-manager and already have the gateway exposed using traefik with a cert-manager generated tls secret based on a...

Thanks! Can you point me to some resources regarding namespacing? The ingress-operator has an env var `function_namespace`. I assumed this must match the `openfaas-fn` namespace where the functions are deployed....

Extending the RBAC rules with (maybe too wide permissions) made the `ingress-operator` creating Certificate resources that are used by cert-manager. ``` - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["certificates"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch",...

(not fully verified): The ingress-operator logged issues creating Certificate objects when I deployed it as written in the docs. When I added the additional permission, the error was gone. According...

Exactly. Having the annotations on the ingress allows for immediate mode without creating a `Certificate` manually. So cert-manager picks up the ingress, creates a `Certificate` and links that to the...

Without having looked deeper into the current implementation, your proposal sounds like a valid way to go. One more thing we should think about (even not directly affected by that...

Setting up letsencrypt with DNS challenges is _a bit_ more complex, but not that hard. But It's not only about cert-manager integration. If you have some hand-crafted wildcard cert (many...

Sorry for my late reply. I'd like to take this, if I can take some time to get into it. If you want to get it done quickly, please do...