Results 5 issues of Aitor Serra Martín

Hello, This is the error I'm getting. I installed Imagemagick with the legacy check and graphicmagick too: > [video-robot] Starting... (node:3188) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Command failed: Par�metro no v�lido: ( at...

Hello, It looks Youtube doesn't like the videos from this program, it blocks every video it uploads automatically: Términos y políticas YouTube ha configurado este vídeo como privado. Are you...


### Steps To Reproduce 1. Open the app in Windows 10 2. Search any text ### Expected Result Show the text ### Actual Result It doesn't do anything. ### Screenshots...


Hello! I added some filters to my functions.php theme using Genesis Framework but the text isn't changed. Where do I have to add the filters to work? Thank you.

Hello! When I added the code to a new mu-plugin for allow guest voting, I'm getting this error the first time the user visit the website: Warning: Invalid argument supplied...
