Suzanne Aitchison
Suzanne Aitchison
Can I confirm if this modal is available to _all_ users, or only to the comment's author (in a similar way to the proposal for seeing who reacted to your...
Awesome - thanks @amywtlin! One other question pops to mind now since the functionality is different depending on whether or not I'm the comment author - If I am _not_...
Also what happens if I _am_ the comment author, and my comment doesn't have any likes yet? Currently a comment is automatically "liked" by the comment author, but in a...
> If it's 0, then we should not show Like text. Does this make sense? Yep, that definitely makes sense!
@anujbhavsar96 what do we want to do if there are hundreds of likes on a comment? Should we load e.g. 25 initially, and then infinite scroll in the remainder? Or...
@anujbhavsar96 / @amywtlin - are we happy that this one is ready for dev now?
I started looking at the first task on this issue - hide the "like" text when there are 0 reactions. I'm a little bit confused though as it seems `public_reactions_count`...
Ooh thanks for looking into this @fdocr - funnily enough I didn't think to check a prod environment 🙈 I ran `rails dev:cache` which did change the behaviour, but now...
Ah cool, yeah seems like there's a few ways to trip things up locally, but essentially it does all work correctly (or at least we're pretty much sure of that...
> Late and dumb question here but what's the reasoning behind hiding "Like" text when a comment has no likes? To me, it's adding inconsistency. Definitely a sensible question 😄...