
Results 13 issues of Aistis

Hey guys, does it work on windows? Cannot test it at the moment.

Hello, it seems **domainname** key is ignored and onlly env variable **DOMAIN_NAME** is taken into account. Docs:

Feature request: option tho skip spool items flushing to database that it could be possible to manage this process by yourself.

Hello guys, it would be nice to have a feature enabling the DB spool send on kernel terminate event. Such features would be useful to have configured in _dev_ environment...

Hi, I am trying to call my embeddable object on a doctrine entity: ```yaml My\Bundle\Entity\User: user_XXX: ... __calls: - options.updateSomeTimestamp: [] ``` and it throws: ```php Error: Call to undefined...

Needs help

:wrench: **I'm submitting a Feature Request** :wrench: Is it planned to have docker image `pim-php-base` for v6? There is a corresponding image of `pim-php-dev` for v6, but not a...

[This commit]( leads us to have a following error: `Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted` Work around is remove the line or suppress the errors `chmod($tmpFileName, 0664);` We are using code...

Hi. I've tried running tests by README but it gives an error about missing api key. I guess it should work out of the box for tests run? 🤔 ```...

Hi! It seams `src/Models/MailThread.php` does not hold `additionalData` even API endpoint returns it. As a result pagination feature is missing from the endpoint when using the client. See an example...

Seems that `predis` is missing `BITFIELD_RO` support. It was added since Redis 6.0 Currently an exception is thrown: ``` [Predis\ClientException] Command `BITFIELD_RO` is not a registered Redis command. ```
