
Results 5 comments of lby

I don't know if anyone has fix this or the issue description needs update. I've test on local and test env the layer title works fine on this modal. BUT...

About the `getExtensionIds` API i got some comments [here]( I agree and also think provide the supported types in the API document is better. I've removed this API from code.

Try `import { Plugin as importToCDN } from "vite-plugin-cdn-import";`?

`reearth.ui.postMessage({ foo: mousedata })` -> error `reearth.ui.postMessage(mousedata)` -> not sure. I've tried use JSON.stringfy for some plugin but seems not helpful. Simplified test code: ```` addEventListener("message", e => {...

Update: this error contiunes throwing out when enabled some plugin widget. Reproduce on test env: 1. Create a new project. 2. Install example plugins. ( 3. Add the ISS widget....