Michael Moroni
Michael Moroni
Thank you very much for your answer! I'll write on ML ASAP :)
> I’m not actually sure if this is something we can do on our end - all the tags you see in app (except “new”) are pulled straight from the...
Maybe it will be useful to add some info in the wiki on Github or in the README... What do you think?
I suppose that the name of the app should be changed, as boarding cards or event tickets are not *loyalty* cards. I am going to open a new issue about...
> Leave the uncommon letters h and q (as with English and other languages, they will be assigned a low probability, and thus appear less frequently in boards anyway). If...
I don't find any help/tutorial but this information must be public.
Thank you :)
> In wich Telegram application it happens? (Telegram desktop ,mobile Android or IOs) Mobile (Android) and desktop > In wich command happens? on /detailsnod1819099866 or /phonenod1819099866 No command, I used...
@skydoves could you please fix this?
What about the issue? @skydoves @IzzySoft