
Results 8 comments of Mike

Any chance you could give a few hints on how to do this on the yomichan side? I'm already familiar with using ankiconnect with python but I have no idea...

I'm was thinking of maybe having a base functionality of only filling up cards with 1:1 mappings, which i would guess would account for 60-70% or a regular mining deck....

Was playing around with yomichan a bit recently and I thought it'd be cool if I could web scrape the results from `chrome-extension://--------------/search.html?query={expression}` . Tried to look for ways to...

> I think I just have a problem with pressing multiple keys at a time, I changed the shortcut keys and it works How'd you change the shortcut key? I...

Thanks, i guess this only works for streamed videos though. @killergerbah , any chance of making the shortcuts editable for local playback as well?

thanks, I'll see if I can get it to work. I don't mind waiting for a few months for a windows guide though.