Results 9 issues of Aidin Biibosunov

Thank you very much for your work! It is really good. But currently it's not compatible with the latest version of pytorch-metric-learning 0.9.99 When running the example script: ` !python...


Hi @vividvilla, First of all, great work! Second, I have a question: how to add zoom-in functionality like here Thanks!

Hi, how to write in org-mode, so that in markdown it will be: `![alt text](dummy-image.png "Image Title")` For example if I have in org-mode: `[[file:static/images/misc/old_man_writing.jpg]]` it gets exported: `{{< figure...

Hello, is there a way to specify parameter constraints for parameter estimation. For example, if I have a parameter vector: (p1, p2, p3, p4). And I want a constraint: p2

Hi, I have a following setup: - A single model and two experimental conditions - healthy (H) and patient (P) - The model has 92 parameters and one of them...


Hi, could you please help me out In Matlab when I run steady-state sensitivities in the case of _adjoint_ sensitivities ``` options_ss.sensi_meth = 'adjoint'; ``` _sllh_ vector has **all** zeroes....


Hi, I want to ask whether in MATLAB the **parallel** mode in getMultiStarts.m is working correctly? I noticed that it is not fully implemented compared to **sequential** mode. So, are...

Hi, In Matlab when I run profile likelihood (plotParameterProfiles.m) in the figure there are red circles and squares, which indicate MS-convergence & divergence. Could you please explain the meaning and...

Hello, there is an issue with **InitialAssignment** - The sbml model [modelDef_PK_1C_constr_2.txt]( When I run: ``` #With petab from amici.petab.petab_import import import_petab_problem amici_model = import_petab_problem(petab_problem,) simulation_time = 10 number_timepoints =...
