Hi, I need more details to figure out where this error comes from. Can you post which line of code made this error.
Hi, can you provide a sample of your code?
https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-js/issues/26 , It's an issue from office-ui-fabric-js.
This project dosen't support TypeScript yet, I plan to add it later
Yeah, I plan to rewrite the whole repo just use the office-ui-fabric-core like office-ui-fabric-react. You know it's lots of works. I don't have so such time for it, the progress...
I think wrap react component to vue component maybe not a good idea. Because of the performance issues.
Hi, everyone. The iOS app of Black Candy is beta now. You can visit here https://testflight.apple.com/join/TwMUVmDl and join TestFlight to give it a try.
Of course you can, but it's inefficient. Because it's need to read whole file from object storage service just for meta data. I used to add comments about this. You...
Hi, since this PR hasn't been updated for a long time. I made a continuation of this PR: https://github.com/blackcandy-org/black_candy/pull/343. So I will close this PR. Thanks for your contribution.
Hey, I have released the first beta version of Android app of Black Candy. You can download the APK to try it from here https://github.com/blackcandy-org/black_candy_android/releases/tag/v1.0.0.beta1. As all iOS and Android...