Search bar results are not good for now, different things could be improved: - Search amongst all the video title words, even with typos (fuzzy search) - Possibility to search...
from @GresilleSiffle idea in #907: What about adding a share button next the compare button in the top right corner of the video analysis page? This will allow users to...
General purpose script to publish message automatically on a channel of Tournesol Discord server.
When #567 and #701 will be merged some operation will remain: * [x] Add previous tweets to the database * [x] Copy the TournesolBot's secret on the server * [...
Should we have better organization of the Discord channels, more interaction with people? Idea: We could maybe use the Github Discussion for the tech part and keep Discord more "social"...
I don't think it was design in the Figma but maybe it could be at the bottom of the sidebar... I think we should have link to: - Github -...
For now, e2e tests may pass even if we broke something on the site in version mobile format. Things to be tested _(list to be completed)_: - [ ] Main...
Score display on the graphs of scores and on criteria tooltip should be rounded to the unit. The extra digit is an heritage from past version, it did not bring...
Originally posted by **cainbantam** July 3, 2022 on "Discussion" Hello, I'm embarassed to judge videos only relying on the few informations displayed. I know I can fill the tool with...