DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants ActionText::ContentHelper and ActionText::TagHelper. Being able to do this is deprecated. Autoloading during initialization is going to be an error condition in future versions of...
It would be useful if this could audit when an object was accessed using the after_find ActiveRecord callback. Additionally, auditing of the after_archive callback from the act_as_archival project.
All objects returned from using the search function are in the Net:BER format, it would be nice if there was a method / switch to return the values as a...
I’ve configured this integration and can access the mode (cool/heat/auto) and temperature through HomeKit but the fan speed is missing even though it’s available in home assistant. Any ideas?
Current sweet alert is not triggered when a button_to tag is used. This should act in the same way a `link_to` or `submit_tag` works but the module doesn't define a...