Donghwan Aidan Kwon
Donghwan Aidan Kwon
I also requested the change resolving the issue in Klaytn is considering the same patch also in
@nmvalera Thank you for the kind comment. I will look at the new version of BFT. Thank you!
@henry-will Is there any progress afterwards?
@ehnuje Please, close this issue if you got enough answer
Thank you for the report. It seems that memory usage of json codec used for HTTP/WS server is not controlled. We gonna work on this issue at Klaytn 1.9.0. Before...
@hqjang-pepper Did you check all write methods of DBManager related to governance? Can you share the survey results that ensure the completeness of your change?
@kjhman21 I think the suggested API helps Klaytn services that use internal transaction data such as Scope and (maybe) Crypto Exchanges. How about adding it to v1.9.0 milestone as an...
@junmoDev `debug_traceBlockByNumberRange` have been implemented in v1.9.1. Please, check [this release note](
@jeongkyun-oh Is there any progress on this?
Sorry for the late response. When I test ws connection with your code, I had the same issue you remarked but it worked with Klaytn nodes such as `wss://`. It...