A. M Manzano Kharman

Results 4 issues of A. M Manzano Kharman

Hi thank you for your code, this is exactly what I am looking for! I have a COCO formatted file of .json annotations for [this dataset](http://tacodataset.org/) and I am trying...

In the Ciphertext class of elgamal.py in helios-server/helios/crypto, why is the function __mul__() homomorphically multiplying the ciphertexts? I understood Helios was using exponential elgamal to homomorphically add the ciphertexts. I...

Hi thank you so much for your project! It is very helpful for what I am working on right now! The issuse is a minor typo but has made me...

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4b with Raspbian Buster OS and I am training tiny-yolov3 on a custom dataset following [these instructions](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet?files=1#how-to-train-tiny-yolo-to-detect-your-custom-objects) from AlexeyAB's darknet fork. Will this darknet-nnpack version...