Aaron Iba

Results 10 issues of Aaron Iba

The [`Navigator.replacePage`](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/blob/master/bindings/react/src/components/Navigator.jsx#L177) method does not appear on the [documentation for React Navigator](https://onsen.io/v2/api/react/Navigator.html). I had to read the source code to find it. Does the web site need an update?

framework: react

I have a project that has both a browser frontend and also a react-native frontend, and they share clojurescript code and a single deps.edn file and a single shadow-cljs.edn file....

For my team, all the dependencies of Oz means we can't depend on it directly from our main project. The way I would like to use Oz is to just...

I'm rendering table headers with om and sablono using a `for` loop: ``` clojurescript (html [:table [:tbody [:tr (for [k [:last-name :first-name :date]] [:th (name k)])]]]) ``` This generates a...

How should I write a cljsExports line for a react-native package that contains a "/"? For example, I'd like to use the library `'@react-native-community/art'` and require it from clojurescript with:...

I was chasing down an issue in our app that was only occuring with `:optimizations :advanced` and I think it's [this line](https://github.com/lilactown/helix/blob/master/src/helix/core.clj#L75) where it calls `(.-Provider ~context)`. I think the...

Fixes #103 I don't know a cleaner way to add a type hint to a symbol inside a macro. If you have a better way to do this, I would...

I was playing with xtdb 2.0, and I built an app that does this upon startup: ``` (xtn/start-node {:log [:local {:path "/tmp/xtdb/log"}] :storage [:local {:path "/tmp/xtdb/storage"}]) ``` And was gettign...


I write performance-sensitive clojure code, sometimes dropping into java, and virgil has been great for this. Thank you! But frankly I don't want virgil to recompile on file saves. Would...