Alex Williams

Results 36 comments of Alex Williams

> If it is not in StatsBase yet, then we should define it in LearnBase in my opinion Found it!

+1 for this. I'd be happy to contribute a little bit here. In an ideal world, I would love the following to work: ``` julia versions = ["v0.0.1", "3743c273f4439833787522242efdcda87951f6d1", "v0.0.2"]...

> BenchmarkTools could natively support the functionality you mentioned Yes, this is what I was hoping for in the short term. > Feel free to open an issue for it....

I'm trying to load a struct array that contains a bunch of sparse matrices. It's taking a very long time, probably because it is converting each of them to a...

Any update on this? I would still love to have this feature... (I just re-encountered this problem today for a new dataset)

Cool idea! Would love to support this. I've just started thinking about this -- so correct me if I'm wrong -- but it seems like we could do much better...

Yes sorry this was on my to do list. Just pushed some commits ( and it is much faster now for me. If this works for you both then...

Wow - nice work! I didn't know about the `opt_einsum` package - the documentation on it is quite good. I will give it a careful read when I get the...

A brief update: adding `@inbounds` and `@simd` leads to a roughly 2x speed-up on the CPD benchmark. The common fate benchmark is still slower than I'd like. My guess is...

This would be a great addition to this package! Feel free to open a PR. At the moment, I am working on other projects and do not have time to...