I found some issues with the 48MHz DFLL calibration with the xmega code. It was working some of the time but depending on the USB port used and the temperature,...
# Why support them The efm8 series of 8051 microprocessors by Silicon Labs are probably the cheapest, smallest and simplest FS USB capable micoprocessors on the market. Some highlights include:...
To port the keyplus emulator to macOS, will need to use the IOKit to write a user-space driver. Some information that might be useful: * [Example of creating virtual HID...
Two approaches that might work: ## Method 1 - Input APIs * [Raw Input](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/raw-input) to read HID codes from devices * [BlockInput](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winuser/nf-winuser-blockinput) to prevent the original behaviour of keys being...
Currently the Linux driver can remap HID keyboards/mice under `/dev/input`. However, it could also take input from other sources such as UART/serial ports. So if you had an Arduino that...
Unlike Linux and OS X, on Windows it is always necessary to have a driver to communicate with a USB device, so the `uniflash.py` script probably won't work on Windows...
When new firmware is loaded, it also erases the layout and settings previously loaded on the device. It should be possible to make them persist after an upgrade except for...
Handling USB requests is handled differently on each platform. Need to implement a framework so that they can all share the same implementation.
# Issue The flasher should display a warning if a hex file is not intended for the current mcu/board. Since there isn't really a way to add metadata to hex...
OS X has not always [exposed the interface number of HID devices](https://github.com/signal11/hidapi/issues/193). The current master branch of HIDAPI has [a workaround for this](https://github.com/signal11/hidapi/pull/40), but the current homebrew formula builds from...