Ahmet Ardal

Results 10 comments of Ahmet Ardal

Calling `InitArgc` properly fixed it: https://github.com/f111fei/react-native-unity-demo/commit/56a0e149a17b31c55ea7c0002ebb3ae15807ed71#diff-e40e5631f2e9f07cae9e5e37e1d65bdaR18

@HiMelody I don't know.

It shouldn't do any harm if you set the delegate and the selector correctly.

Just use the state changed block, don't use the delegate then. ``` SSCheckBoxView *cbv = ... [cbv setStateChangedBlock:^(SSCheckBoxView *v) { NSLog(@"checkbox state: %d", v.checked); }]; ```

I'll update it when I've time. For now just use the block and don't set the delegate.

@lexuanquynh Thanks. Would you like to send a PR? I'd be more than happy to merge.

Use this to add Android APNG support to rn-fast-image: https://github.com/penfeizhou/APNG4Android#glide-support Use https://github.com/ds300/patch-package/ to automate the `build.gradle` change.

@RobinBobin You should make the change in rn-fast-image's android/build.gradle file: `node_modules/react-native-fast-image/android/build.gradle` ``` maven { url "https://maven.google.com" + url "https://dl.bintray.com/osborn/Android" } ``` ``` dependencies { annotationProcessor 'com.android.support:support-annotations:28.0.0-alpha3' annotationProcessor "com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:${_glideVersion}" implementation("com.github.bumptech.glide:okhttp3-integration:${_glideVersion}") +...

Hi @uezo Thank you for the quick and detailed reply. I appreciate it. 🙏🏻 We'll try the example you've sent and get back to you as soon as possible.