This issue still needs fixing
They both work fine for me after using tkrajacic's fix you should try it. gem 'httparty', '=0.8.2' My search by ID, and search by title is working fine now @movies...
Do you have ``` ruby gem 'jeweler' gem 'shoulda' ``` Beacause without Anonymize it works fine for me. ``` ruby irb(main):001:0> imdb = ImdbParty::Imdb.new => # irb(main):002:0> imdb.find_by_title("The Dark Knight")...
Mine has been searching for 2 hours
**high** chance of ban they monitor the requests that are being sent, you will be banned. https://github.com/Kurt212/TarkovTradeBot/blob/master/README.md
Any updates on this? will this not break `mysql2` once `MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT` is removed?
:+1: Please fast track
> I really wonder why this thing is not released for a whole year > Maybe no one is maintaining it? That is exactly why!