Ahmed El-Helw
Ahmed El-Helw
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32790
please don't copy recitequran - we've talked to them before and, if i recall, they explicitly don't want to share their data, and i don't feel it's right for us...
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32809
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32801
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32842
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32797
wa3laikum alsalam, jazakAllah khairan - may you send us a sample so we can refer it to some of the shuyookh who help with the project and get their feedback...
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32803
note that this currently only works on the Safari Technology Preview (which will eventually be shipped with an update to the OS in the future, so this is low priority...
Deployed to: http://staging.quran.com:32770