Ahmad Mukhtar
Ahmad Mukhtar
@thanhnvpk01168 how fid you fix it? Me also facing the same issue on BigSur but in development environment as well.
Nope, I'm not using any boilerplate.
@bharat303 Have you fixed the issue? If yes then please let me know how did you fix it?
**Client side sample code:** ```ts print: (target: any) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('[Print] Forwarding request to the main process...'); // convert the iframe into data url...
Yes, I've already put the CSS in @page directive but it's not working. I'll try to provide you github repo with minimal code.
@kraenhansen Any idea when it will be fixed?
**Facing same issue:** **OS:** `macOS 12.5.1` **Chrome** `105.0.5195.125` (Official Build) (arm64)
Also having the same issue.
Transform element on drag is causing this issue, any fix for this?