
Results 17 issues of ahmed-tasaly

@metinkale38 **Assalam alaykom Can you add the ability to make the widget semi-transparent ??** (Add the option) Thanks in advance

Please, can you add support for **voidlinux** in (**vdiskchain** and **vtoyboot**) ?

### Aloha there , Can you add **Bootsplash** support and patches that cat be found in **Manjaro** kernels ? Thanks in advance

السلام عليكم 1 - هل يكن ان تضيف مواقيت الصلاة مع widgets لها 2 - تضيف الاذكار الى البرنامج جزاك الله خيرا


_**Assalam Alykom**_ **Aloha there**, ### Can you add panic button feature like that in the official fdroid app ? _Thanks in advance_


Hello Assalam alaykom Can you add the application to fdroid ?

### السلام عليكم **1- Can you add feature of a floating azkar that appear on the screen every interval of time like that in** `https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revanen.athkar` .. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64969309/138932682-eabd8231-671a-4af8-9c31-07cb4065b865.png) .. thanks in...

### Assalam alaykom **1-** Can you add arabic language as a language to the interface **2-** Can you add a way to manually select the country and the city without...


I suggest creating a tray icon for the application .


Aloha there Can you add kfx format support ? Thanks in advace