Ahmad Nassri

Results 63 issues of Ahmad Nassri

should be able to customize if redirects are to be followed and set the limit of redirects to follow

Chrome App

What would be really cool would be to have a tools tab with a set of commonly used utilities when using HTTP type resources. Examples of this would be base64...

Chrome App
Nice to Have

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. For Request Params (Body tab), define: hobby -> tennis hobby -> cooking For real, this would be the result of submitting a form...

Chrome App

I would like to see the password field under the Autorization tab as a real password field and not plain text.

Chrome App
Nice to Have

Chrome App

just for the heck of it.

Nice to Have

I know this is more of a general question about GH Actions itself, but is there a way to cache docker images between workflow runs so that it doesn't pull...


- VSCode Version: 1.69.2 - Local OS Version: Windows / Chrome - Remote OS Version: Docker - Remote Extension/Connection Type: Server I'm running the new `vscode-server` preview on my local...


allow passing an argument `--machine-name` or an environment variable `VSCODE_MACHINE_NAME` to specify a machine name instead of the user input prompt. this will allow for easier automation with containers, vms...


sometimes when starting OBS, VirtualCam fails to start, the only message I see is "Failed to start output" I suspect this is due to some of the automation scripts I...